The price of a Bitcoin has slumped 43 per cent in the first two weeks of 2015, causing many to ask if the biggest economic experiment in decades has been a failure. But that misses the really interesting point, says blogges - what comes next?

Bitcoin is having a very bad 2015. From a price of $314 per coin on New Year’s Day it slumped 43 per cent to a low of $177 yesterday.
Media coverage has taken one of two angles: either proclaiming its demise or speculating as to the cause of death. Both miss the bigger issue, which is the exciting, anarchic, empowering technology which Bitcoin is giving birth to. And which the price crash may endanger.
Firstly - and let’s zip over this quickly - is this the end of the Bitcoin experiment? Certainly, a trend line from November 2013 to now, extrapolated forwards, intersects worthlessness sometime later this year.
Will that happen? Nobody can know.
Economic predictions are unreliable at the best of times, with centuries of historic data, so claiming to be able to prognosticate an unprecedented experiment in crypto-currency is foolhardy.
In any case, the experiment is new and most Bitcoin Whales got in early and cheap. The way you feel about a $177 Bitcoin has a lot to do with what you paid for it. If you bought in January 2011 you paid just $0.38. A year later you spent $15.11, and a year from that you’d have been stung for $854.
So, what’s causing this crash? Bitcoin exchanges are unregulated and market fluctuations can be as unusual as they are unexplainable. A cryptography nerd who mined coins as an experiment in 2010 could have found himself a millionaire many times over in 2013, holding so many coins that cashing-out moved markets.
Other manipulations occur which are more intentional and less benign.
Some suggest that the recent Bitstamp hack could be behind losses, which is probably true to some extent. But the exchange honoured all lost coins and has since re-opened for business, so it seems unlikely to be the only cause. Especially as the price was already sliding before it happened.
The crux of the issue, the important point which should be made, is this: Bitcoin the currency may be dying, but it doesn’t matter because Bitcoin the technology is thriving.
The currency is just one application of the Blockchain which powers it. It has served a purpose, in that it has established the infrastructure on which a flotilla of new services will launch in coming months.
Essentially, Bitcoin runs without any central authority. Instead there is a “Blockchain”, a digital ledger of all transactions. Each and every payment made in Bitcoin is encoded into this Blockchain by “miners” by performing some mathematical and cryptographic heavy-lifting.
These miners could be an individual on a laptop or a warehouse full of dedicated machines in China. But they power Bitcoin and are rewarded for their efforts with new coins that are periodically created.
Benefits of that become clear when you imagine a social network free of shareholders, advertising or privacy intrusion, or a voting system that's mathematically impossible to manipulate. Or perhaps a whole new internet outside the reach of governments who want to censor, filter or delete information?
All of that is being worked on, right now. Hundreds of millions of dollars in venture capital investment has been poured into Bitcoin startups like these in recent years, and they are only now beginning to bear fruit.
As I wrote last year, we may be heading towards an anarchic future where centralised power of any kind will dissolve.
I recently attended a Bitcoin conference on the Isle of Man, where, despite a population of just 80,000, you can barely move for crypto-currency start-ups thanks to low taxation and 'pragmatic' regulation. The same is happening in Silicon Valley and all over the world.
So the one potentially dangerous side effect to the price drop we’re currently seeing, arguably the only one worth concerning ourselves with, is a potential erosion of the infrastructure that promises to bring us radical and exciting technology.
The problem arises when the cost of mining – electrically, hardware, staff – exceeds the value of Bitcoins received. That’s the point at which they stop, and the infrastructure crumbles.
Jeffrey Smith, chief information officer of one of the largest mining operations going, CEX.IO, recently said that the company would soon be shutting-down to ride out the storm: a “forced temporary measure, the result of cloud mining costs exceeding mining profit.”
This could create a negative feedback loop as miners retire, the network becomes less secure and resilient, investors lose faith, and the price drops further.


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