Step 1
Identify the Need or Problem
Step 2
Research the Need or Problem
Step 3
Develop Possible Solution(s)
Step 4
Select the Best Possible Solution(s)
Step 5
Construct a Prototype
Step 6
Test and Evaluate the Solution(s)
Step 7
Communicate the Solution(s)
Step 8

Steps of the Engineering Design Process

1.      Identify the need or problem
2.      Research the need or problem
  • Examine the current state of the issue and current solutions
  • Explore other options via the Internet, library, interviews, etc.
3.      Develop possible solution(s)
  • Brainstorm possible solution(s)
  • Draw on mathematics and science
  • Articulate the possible solution(s) in two and three dimensions
  • Refine the possible solution(s)
4.      Select the best possible solution(s)
  • Determine which solution(s) best meet(s) the original need or solve(s) the original problem
5.      Construct a prototype
  • Model the selected solution(s) in two and three dimensions
6.      Test and evaluate the solution(s)
  • Does it work?
  • Does it meet the original design constraints?
7.      Communicate the solution(s)
  • Make an engineering presentation that includes a discussion of how the solution(s) best meet(s) the initial need or the problem
  • Discuss societal impact and tradeoffs of the solution(s)
8.      Redesign

  • Overhaul the solution(s) based on information gathered during the tests and presentation.


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